The Zanzibar Nurses Association (ZANA) is a nongovernmental organization registered in Zanzibar since 1992 with the aim to improve the professional standard of nursing care and services that promote the well being of the community particularly women and children. At early-stage ZANA required to improve nurses but extend their role toward proving better services to the communities especial rural ones relating to sexual reproductive health and home based care to people living with AIDS. Currently ZANA has 500 members across all 10 Districts of Zanzibar which can facilitate better implementation for the program.
Fight and protect the right of nurses
Network with national and international nurses
Loby development of nursing fields and quality nursing services
Collaborate with other organization dedicated in health promotion
To be efficient and effective professional association for quality health services, pertaining to standard nursing practice and timely response to nurses and community health issues.
To be efficient and effective professional association for quality health services, pertaining to standard nursing practice and timely response to nurses and community health issues.
The overall decision-making body is during the annual meeting (two members represent from each District include 15 executive committee).
Board of Trustees consits of 7 members which is appointed by the General Annual Meeting after proposed by advisable by Executive committee.
The Executive Committee which are 15 members who oversee day to day activities of the organization. The Executive Committee is elected during general meeting in every three years which comprised Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasure, Development officer, Publicity officer and one leader represent each District with variety of skilled in Nursing and midwifery professional backgrounds .
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